About client
Čtuto je jedinečná česká appka, nabitá tisící stručných obsaů knih v žánru odborné a naučné literatury.
Our brief was very extensive - logo, tagline and corporate identity; mobile app with unique UX and UI; website; thousands of graphic covers for books and collections; copywriting for blog and books; content for social media and much more.

For Čtuto, we chose a nice green and neutral dark blue color. The main element of the logo is the hook in the "č" - it's a half-open book, along with a pipe, the hands of a clock and a blue drop at the bottom to symbolize the "draining" of books, which is exactly what Čtuto does.

We implemented a lot of features for a mobile app we were building in React Native. In addition to changing the font size and background color, we created a user-friendly UI and UX and all the basic mobile app features, from user profiles to a subscription payment system.

For Čtuto we created thousands of graphic covers for books, collections and articles. We imported these graphic designs into Pinterest, which received over 4,000 views in the first month
We designed the website in Webflow for perfect optimization on all devices, CMS for book publishing, collections and blog, animations and SEO. For Read, we optimized SEO for all 400 pages of the website, which resulted in the website gaining 1200 users before the app launched and without any ads.
Vytvořili jsme 2000+ autorských grafických obalů pro každý titul.
U některých obalů jsme se inspirovali originální ilustrací,
ale u většiny jsme tvořili na zelené louce.
Nachystali jsme přes 500 návrhů pro Insta feed a stories,
vytvořili jsme různé návrhy pro každou cílovku.
Pro reklamní komunikaci jsme zvolili 4 směry:
- Úspěšní lidé a milionáře hodně čtou
- Appka pro ty, kteří nemají čas číst
- Znázornění hlavních funkcí appky
- Tzv. reading challenge – jedna kniha každý den